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MTO Düsseldorf – Norouz Celebration 2016

>> Letter of appreciation from the Mayor of Dusseldorf, Mr Friedrich Conzen.

The annual celebration for the occasion of the Persian New Year took place once again at the MTO Shahmaghsoudi® School of Islamic Sufism®. In keeping with the international week against racism ‚united against racism- 100% human dignity‘ the focus of this years event was on peace and human dignity. Together with friends of MTO Shahmaghsoudi®, different Christian communities, district authorities, the police and others interested in the Persian New Years celebration „Norouz“ were introduced while referring to current incidents occurring around the world.

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Furthermore a few paragraphs from the book „Peace“ by Professor Nader Angha was read. Although the book was written in the year 1987 its topics are just as relevant today. Furthermore the Sufi practice of „Zekr“ was presented. Our guests had the chance to join the practice and experience the calming and inspirational effects of zekr for themselves. The evening ended with a small buffet and everyone had the opportunity to discuss their views of the event.

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We are pleased that our Norouz celebration once again proved popular. Also, we are glad that we could encourage our guests to communicate since communication is the foundation of a peaceful society.

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