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Parish Fair 2018

Once again, the students of MTO Shahmaghsoudi®, School of Islamic Sufism, took part in the parish festival of St. Maria in the Benden community. This year the festival marked Father George’s 10th anniversary of ordination. The mass was accompanied with African music and the songs were sung in German and African as Father George had came from Africa and joined this community later.. The visitors of the mass enthusiastically sang and applauded, as typically done at an African Mass, according to Father George.

After the mass, the visitors of the parish festival were able to enjoy Persian desserts and black tea at the MTO® stand. The festival had various culinary dishes, drinks and a rally for children with many attractive games to offer.

It was also very nice to talk to old friends again. We are proud to be considered as part of the big family and look forward to next year’s festival.


2. August 2024

Treffen mit der neuen Stadträtin von Langenhagen

Am 01.08.24 lernten wir die neue Stadträtin von Langenhagen, Frau Duensing, in ihrem Büro im Langenhagener Rathaus kennenlernen. Beim besonders…

4. Juni 2024

Forum der Religionen Hannover: Sitzung und Ausblick auf Zusammenarbeit

Am 3. Juni nahmen wir als Teil des Forums der Religionen Hannover an einer Sitzung teil, um die neue Geschäftsführerin,…

4. März 2024

Interreligiöses Friedensgebet: Sufi-Ensemble MTO Zendeh Delan in der Düsseldorfer Tonhalle

Unser Sufi-Ensemble MTO Zendeh Delan nahm gestern an einem Interreligiösen Friedensgebet des Rates der Religionen Düsseldorf in der Düsseldorfer Tonhalle…

29. Februar 2024

Ramadan 2024

Verse und lokale Zeitpläne für Ramadan 2024
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