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On the occasion of Persian new year MTO Gothenburg celebrated by donating fruit baskets and chocolate baskets to hospitals, 19th March 2021

Den 19.e mars firas persiskt nyår. Som del av COVID-19 global sufirörelse donerade M.T.O.Shahmaghsoudi®️ School of Islamic Sufism®️ fruktkorgar och korg med choklad till IVA enheter på Sahlgrenska sjukhuset, Mölndals sjukhus samt Östra sjukhuset  i Göteborg.

M.T.O.Shahmaghsoudi®️ School of Islamic Sufism®️ Gothenburg center, on March 19th 2021, on the occasion of Persian new year and as part of COVID-19 global event, celebrated by donating fruit baskets and chocolate baskets to the ICU of Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Mölndals hospital and Östra hospital in Gothenburg, Sweden.

#Sahlgrenska sjukhuset #Mölndals sjukhus #Östra sjukhuset #Göteborg #Sverige #Sahlgrenska university hospital #Molndal hospital #Ostra hospital #Sweden #Gothenburg #mtocovid19response #mto #mtoshahmaghsoudi #schoolofislamicsufsim #sufi #sufism #islam #tamarkozapp #global#worldwide #charity

26. December 2023

MTO Gothenburg’s donation on the occasion of Christmas

M.T.O.Shahmaghsoudi®️ School of Islamic Sufism®️ Gothenburg center, on 24th and 25th of December 2023, as part of global charity event…

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