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MTO Aarhus donated groceries in occasion of Nowruz, 19th March 2021

Den 19. marts 2021 fejrede M.T.O. Shahmaghsoudi® Skole af Islamisk Sufisme® Det iransk nytår Nowrouz som fejres af 300 million mennesker rundt omkring verden. M.T.O. Shahmaghsoudi® – afdelingen i Aarhus donerede i dagens anledning 27 pakker med de mest essentielle madvarer til kvinder og børnene i flygtningecenteret Jellings omsorgsafdeling.

March 19th 2021 M.T.O. Shahmaghsoudi® School of Islamic Sufism® celebrates Nowruz (“the new day”) is the Persian New Year celebrated by 300 million people across the world. On this occasion M.T.O. Shahmaghsoudi® – Aarhus donated 27 packages of the most essential groceries to the families in the care department of the refugee center in Jelling.

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26. December 2023

MTO Gothenburg’s donation on the occasion of Christmas

M.T.O.Shahmaghsoudi®️ School of Islamic Sufism®️ Gothenburg center, on 24th and 25th of December 2023, as part of global charity event…

30. September 2023

MTO Gothenburg delivered hygiene articles to a refugee center

M.T.O.Shahmaghsoudi®️ School of Islamic Sufism®️ Gothenburg center, on September 30th 2023, on the occasion of professor Nader Angha’s birthday and…

4. May 2023

MTO Nice rencontre Mme Isabelle Polveroni-Visentin, adjointe au maire de Nice (France) chargée des affaires religieuses

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4. May 2023

Helping low-income families in Nice during the month of Ramadan

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