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MTO Zurich supported families in need, 31st October

Am 31. Oktober 2022 haben die Schülerinnen und Schüler der M.T.O. Shahmaghsoudi® Schule aus Zürich verschiedene Familien, die in sozial schwierigen Verhältnissen leben, mit Sachspenden unterstützt. Übergeben wurden 74 Kleidungsstücke, 18 Kisten an nicht verderblicher Lebensmittel, 24 Pakete mit Reinigungsmittel sowie einige Spielzeuge und Süssigkeiten. Wir hoffen, dass wir mit unserer Spende, einen karitativen Beitrag geleistet haben.

On October 31th, 2022, the students of the M.T.O. Shahmaghsoudi® School from Zurich supported various families who live in difficult social circumstances with donations in kind. 74 items of clothing, 18 boxes of non-perishable food, 24 packages of cleaning products and some toys and sweets were handed over to the families.

We hope to have made a small charitable contribution with our donation.

#MTO #MTOShahmaghsoudi #charity #schoolofislamicsufism #schweiz #zurich


26. December 2023

MTO Gothenburg’s donation on the occasion of Christmas

M.T.O.Shahmaghsoudi®️ School of Islamic Sufism®️ Gothenburg center, on 24th and 25th of December 2023, as part of global charity event…

30. September 2023

MTO Gothenburg delivered hygiene articles to a refugee center

M.T.O.Shahmaghsoudi®️ School of Islamic Sufism®️ Gothenburg center, on September 30th 2023, on the occasion of professor Nader Angha’s birthday and…

4. May 2023

MTO Nice rencontre Mme Isabelle Polveroni-Visentin, adjointe au maire de Nice (France) chargée des affaires religieuses

In this preliminary working session where we discussed positive, constructive and enriching projects, and the gathering of spiritual and religious…

4. May 2023

Helping low-income families in Nice during the month of Ramadan

If the month of Ramadan is an opportunity to focus on our interiority, it is also a privileged occasion to…

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