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MTO US donates to Mayfield, KY Tornado Victims

Upon learning of the devastation brought about to Mayfield, Kentucky, M.T.O. Shahmaghsoudi Centers across the U.S. came together to support the city and its victims. On December 23, 2021, M.T.O. donated $60,000 in relief funds to Mayor O’Nan’s office for the purposes of rebuilding the Mayfield community; in attendance for this meeting were Representative Richard Heath of district 2 Kentucky, and other city officials and staff.

During this humanitarian meeting, Mayor O’Nan expressed concern over stress levels within the community as well as trauma experienced by the young children in the community. Therefore, various resources such as the Tamarkoz app were shared. Tamarkoz app provides users with Sufi Mediation techniques that can be used to reduce and manage stress.

City of Mayfield Letter


30. September 2024

Community Service Recognition

M.T.O. Los Angeles received special recognition in September 2024, honoring Professor Nader Angha’s birthday and decades of community service. M.T.O.…

23. September 2024

Dedication of MTO Shahmaghsoudi Square in Los Angeles

In celebration of Professor Nader Angha’s birthday and the birth anniversary of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), the MTO Shahmaghsoudi Los Angeles…

9. April 2024

Message from Federal President Steinmeier

On behalf of MTO Shahmaghsoudi, School of Islamic Sufism, we extend our heartfelt gratitude for the Eid ul-Fitr message from…

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