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MTO Zürich unterstützt das Transitzentrum Hammermühle

In celebration of the Iranian New Year – also known as the International Nowruz Day – students of the MTO Shahmaghsoudi® School conducted another global fundraiser at various institutions. On this occasion, the members from Zurich decided to once again support the Hammermühle transit center in Kemptthal with donations in kind. At the same time, this should also be a way of expressing thanks to the ORS employees for their tireless efforts and their daily commitments. Among other things, 216 bags of food were donated, which particularly benefited the residents of the asylum home with regard to their financial situation. The donations were gratefully accepted and then distributed among all those in need.

In this time of joy, the MTO team wishes everyone a happy Nowruz festival and a happy beginning of spring.

#MTO #MTOShahmaghsoudi #mtocharity #sufism #charity #switzerland #zurich #nonprofit #greatful #schoolofislamicsufism #sufi #islam

#islamicsufism #nouruz #frühlingsbeginn #fest #orshammermuehle #nonperishablefood #spendenaktion #neujahrsfest

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