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MTO Zendeh Delan Performs at La Bourse de Commerce, Paris

We are honoured to have been invited to participate in the closing of Carte Blanche To Breathe – Constellation, an artistic series presented by South Korean artist Kimsooja at La Bourse de Commerce in Paris. This remarkable event offered a…

8. November 2024

MTO Paris donation to immigrants

Volunteers from MTO Shahmaghsoudi®️ Paris went to the hôtel de Ville of Paris this Saturday, September 25, to donate second-hand clothes and hygiene products to immigrants. #mto #mtoshahmaghsoudi #soufisme #SchoolOfIslamicSufism #mtocharity #mtocovid19reponses #paris #aide #evenement #donation #vêtements #produits #sustainability #environment…

8. May 2023

MTO Paris donated clothes and hygiene products to immigrants

Volunteers from MTO Shahmaghsoudi® Paris went to the hôtel de Ville of Paris this Saturday, September 25, to donate second-hand clothes and hygiene products to immigrants. #mto #mtoshahmaghsoudi #soufisme #SchoolOfIslamicSufism #mtocharity #mtocovid19reponses #paris #aide #evenement #donation #vêtements #produits #sustainability #environment #developpement #durable

8. May 2023

MTO Paris participated to a mini Olympics

On june 18th, 2021, volunteers of MTO Shahmaghsoudi® Paris went to La Chamade nursing home to participate to mini Olympics. It was a joy for us to animate the different stand, especially the darts stand! We thank La Chamade for…

8. May 2023

MTO Paris donation to a refugee center

On this Saturday, May 22nd 2021, the Parisian volunteers of MTO Shahmaghsoudi ® went to distribute clothes to refugees, in partnership with Utopia 56 association. Thank you to all the people who made this donation possible! #mtoshahmaghsoudi #soufisme #Paris2021 #solidarité…

8. May 2023
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