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MTO London donated masks to Finchley High School, 22nd January 2021

To celebrate International Day of Education MTO volunteers in London donated 50 homemade face coverings to students of @fchslondon. We want to thank the hardworking and committed teachers and members of staff that continue to support and inspire children during these difficult times.

#mtocovid19response #mtocharity #sufism #maskingforafriend #finchleycatholichighschool #finchleycatholic #charity #community #givingback #internationaldayofeducation


26. December 2023

MTO Gothenburg’s donation on the occasion of Christmas

M.T.O.Shahmaghsoudi®️ School of Islamic Sufism®️ Gothenburg center, on 24th and 25th of December 2023, as part of global charity event…

30. September 2023

MTO Gothenburg delivered hygiene articles to a refugee center

M.T.O.Shahmaghsoudi®️ School of Islamic Sufism®️ Gothenburg center, on September 30th 2023, on the occasion of professor Nader Angha’s birthday and…

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