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MTO Gothenburg celebrated the birthday of Sufi Master Hazrat Shahmaghsoud with a donation to homless people

Den 4.e februari firades Sufi mästare Hazrat Shahmaghsoud Sadegh Anghas födelsedag. Som del av COVID-19 global sufirörelse donerade M.T.O.Shahmaghsoudi®️ School of Islamic Sufism®️ 20 matkassor till Frälsningsarmén i Örebro och 22 matkassor till Ängabo i Göteborg.

M.T.O.Shahmaghsoudi®️ School of Islamic Sufism®️ Gothenburg center, on 4th of February 2021, on the occasion of Sufi master Hazrat Shahmaghsoud Sadegh Anghas birthday and as part of COVID-19 global event, celebrated by donating 20 food bags to Frälsningsarmén in Örebro for homeless people, and 22 food bags to Ängabo home shelter in Gothenburg, Sweden.

#Frälsningsarmén #Örebro #Orebro #Göteborg  #Sverige #Ängabo #Angabo #Göteborgs stad #Sweden #Gothenburg #mtocovid19response #mto #mtoshahmaghsoudi #schoolofislamicsufsim #sufi #sufism #islam #tamarkozapp #global #worldwide #charity

26. December 2023

MTO Gothenburg’s donation on the occasion of Christmas

M.T.O.Shahmaghsoudi®️ School of Islamic Sufism®️ Gothenburg center, on 24th and 25th of December 2023, as part of global charity event…

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