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Launch of our new global sustainability initiative, 4th February 2021

We are excited to announce a brand-new site dedicated to our work in environmental sustainability launching today 4th February 2021.


M.T.O. Shahmaghsoudi® is committed to environmentally conscious practises across our centres and is today announcing four new sustainability goals on our new dedicated website.

Goal 1: Sustainable structures and sites
Goal 2: Affordable & Clean Energy
Goal 3: Responsible Consumption
Goal 4: Community Partnerships

#MTOSustainablity #environment #saveourplanet #sufism #fornature #gogreen #zerowaste #eco #recycle #plasticfree #mtoshahmaghsoudi #nachhaltigkeit #sdgs #sdgs2030

30. September 2024

Community Service Recognition

M.T.O. Los Angeles received special recognition in September 2024, honoring Professor Nader Angha’s birthday and decades of community service. M.T.O.…

23. September 2024

Dedication of MTO Shahmaghsoudi Square in Los Angeles

In celebration of Professor Nader Angha’s birthday and the birth anniversary of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), the MTO Shahmaghsoudi Los Angeles…

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