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Launch of our new global sustainability initiative, 4th February 2021

We are excited to announce a brand-new site dedicated to our work in environmental sustainability launching today 4th February 2021.


M.T.O. Shahmaghsoudi® is committed to environmentally conscious practises across our centres and is today announcing four new sustainability goals on our new dedicated website.

Goal 1: Sustainable structures and sites
Goal 2: Affordable & Clean Energy
Goal 3: Responsible Consumption
Goal 4: Community Partnerships

#MTOSustainablity #environment #saveourplanet #sufism #fornature #gogreen #zerowaste #eco #recycle #plasticfree #mtoshahmaghsoudi #nachhaltigkeit #sdgs #sdgs2030

18. July 2023

Eco Fair 2023

It has been a great privilege to participate in the Highgate Festival’s Eco Fair in London. The day was spent…

21. March 2023

Norouz at London Centre 2023

For the occasion of Norouz, M.T.O. Sustainability volunteers handed out cotton totes and local wildflower seeds to MTO attendees. Wildflowers…

23. December 2022

MTO Volunteers Brighten Christmas for London’s Homeless Community

This Christmas season, MTO Shahmaghsoudi volunteers took to the streets of London to bring joy and warmth to our homeless…

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