MTO Shahmaghsoudi® Berkeley, conveniently located near the UC Berkeley campus, offers weekly Sufism and meditation classes while positively impacting the community. Our students actively participate in charitable work, generously donating to local social service providers, including hospitals, nursing homes, free clinics, support services for the unhoused, senior centers, schools, and food pantries. As a result of these efforts, we have received proclamations from the Cities of Berkeley, Albany, and Oakland.
Moreover, MTO Berkeley prioritizes sustainability and regularly collaborates with Save the Bay to clean and restore habitats. We also sponsor recycling initiatives on special occasions such as America Recycles Day and Plastics Free July, earning us an Alameda County Green Business Certification.
We also regularly organize round table discussions with prominent members of the community, in order to create an open dialogue and to discuss matters of importance to society at large. Recent topics have included women’s rights, education, and tolerance.
Sessions are conducted on Sunday afternoons from 1 to 3 pm at the Berkeley Center and are available in four languages; Farsi, English, French and German.