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MTO Gothenburg’s donation to a Refugee Center

M.T.O.Shahmaghsoudi®️ School of Islamic Sufism®️ Gothenburg center, on 4th of February 2023, in response to Sufi Master Hazrat Shahmaghsouds celebration as a part of a global event, prepared and donated 60 bags containing perishable food to the refugee center in…

23. July 2024

German Islam Conference

The German Islam Conference has entered its fifth phase with the 20th legislative period. MTO Shahmaghsoudi KdöR was present at the launch event. We thank for the invitation, for the many impulses and the good exchange. MTO will continue to…

8. December 2022

Highgate Woods Clean Up

On 27th November 2022, M.T.O. London took the initiative to work alongside TCV volunteers to carry out a clean-up to remove debris and unwanted items at Highgate Woods, the local Green space to our Centre. Our environment is of great…

3. October 2023

World Environment Day 2022

In celebration of World Environment Day, M.T.O. London Centre has launched the start of the new journey into cultivating an allotment plot in the local area. This space will bring us The opportunity to work closely with our environment and…

3. October 2023

Earth Day 2022

April 22nd is marked by millions around the world, Earth Day is an annual event designed to shine a light on the serious environmental issues, from the Climate Crisis to Air Pollution and deforestation.This year to mark the 52nd anniversary…

3. October 2023
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